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A Year? Already?
October 18, 2014

A Year? Already?

It was a year ago today that this happened:

Hannah's Birth

Being a parent is the craziest thing. Never have I loved/hated something so much in my life. Having a baby absolutely ruins your life (your freedom, your spontaneity, your sleep, your showers, your meals, your everything), and there is no option to take it back. And here’s the kicker: given the option to take it back, you wouldn’t do it for all the money in the world.

And so continues the human race.

Watching her accomplish small things like holding her own bottle and big things like first steps and first words, we exude a disproportional amount of pride. She is a delightful little girl, and she has brought an inexplicable amount of joy to our lives. Just ask us. We’ll tell you. All day long.

As for the past year of our marriage, we’ve had our moments, believe me. But I think I can say that right now, we’re stronger and better than we were a year ago. We’ve had to learn to work better as a team, and to communicate and compromise more than ever before. And we are decidedly better because of it.

Peter, Leslie, Hannah

Our goal is not perfection, it is doing our best, and making sure she is loved. And if we can do that, then at the end of the day, we can say we’ve succeeded.

We love, love, love our Hannah Banana!

Speaking of Hannah Banana . . . Hannah Banana has a Nana (my mom). And Nana also has an October birthday. We went to Nana’s house at the lake for applebutter, so it would be a crying shame if we didn’t have a…

You guessed it…

Hannah-Nana-Banana Party!

Complete with banana splits,

Hannah's 1st Birthday | Banana Splits

matching t-shirts,

Hannah's 1st Birthday | Custom T-Shirts

and a surprise appearance by a 6’4″ banana. (Who knew he had that little gem in his suitcase?)

Hannah's 1st Birthday | Daddy's Costume

Hannah's 1st Birthday | Daddy's Costume

Every member of both sides of our families was there. That was really special, given that we live in different corners of Missouri, two live in Oklahoma, and one in Bogota, Colombia.

We had a great time eating banana splits, opening presents, and spending time all together in one place. I don’t know if that will ever happen again. We’re so thankful for such wonderful time with our family celebrating our survival of Hannah’s first year!

Hannah's 1st Birthday

Hannah's 1st Birthday

Hannah's 1st Birthday

Hannah's 1st Birthday

Hannah's 1st Birthday

Hannah's 1st Birthday

Hannah's 1st Birthday

Hannah's 1st Birthday

Hannah's 1st Birthday

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Hammer & Moxie is a husband-and-wife, home improvement blog, cataloging our sometimes overzealous DIY projects in Saint Louis, MO.

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