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Category: Kids

A Treehouse for Nana (and Her Grandkids)
October 2, 2015

A Treehouse for Nana (and Her Grandkids)

Last Christmas, Leslie, her siblings, and their significant others agreed to give their mom a treehouse for Christmas. More specifically, the labor required to build a house in a tree, which, as it turns out, is a lot. Nana, as she is known to her grandkids, was plenty thrilled. Quitters Little did I know a sizeable segment of […]

Birdhouse Nursery Nightlights: Dad’s One Pre-Baby Contribution
December 3, 2014

Birdhouse Nursery Nightlights: Dad’s One Pre-Baby Contribution

Pregnancy is not my jam. I’ve never been pregnant, but I once spent ten months with a pregnant woman. Pregnancy was most definitely not Leslie’s jam, but by some biological/psychological miracle, her enthusiasm swelled along with her ankles. She read aloud each Baby Center update: “It’s the size of a poppy seed!” “A kumquat!” And […]

Hammer & Moxie is a husband-and-wife, home improvement blog, cataloging our sometimes overzealous DIY projects in Saint Louis, MO.

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